Thursday, July 1st, 2010

Americans smile at strangers

Americans smile at strangers, talk to them too, chat about their welfare, family and more, never staying long enough to find out the answer but they appear more friendly than us Brits. In the shops the sales associates will greet you with cheery tones and ask if you found everything you need and wave you off with a come back and see us even if you didn’t buy a thing. Not so in UK. No one packs your groceries in Tesco and offers to carry them to your car and this can be especially worrying if you get saddled with the cashier who is in training for the most items she can scan in 20 seconds competition.
Having lived in both countries, I can say that I prefer America without a doubt. There, I said it. Yes I know they are all false and have a nice day but I’d rather that than some misery watching me chase after Oranges or loo rolls that I haven’t managed to keep pace with.

If there’s something I miss about UK, it’s the people or rather our sense of humour. Americans don’t get irony; it goes right over their heads. At the height of the Clinton scandal my husband insisted on telling a joke about Monica Lewinsky being hard of hearing, what Clinton had really said was “hold my calls and sack my cook”. Americans would listen and say ‘Oh really”? Another American trait is for them to run around and tell anyone who will listen that they are ‘highly intelligent” note the word “highly?” Is that akin to me telling all and sundry that I am “really clever”? Is there a definite need to state this, surely one would hope that one’s intellect would shine through?

But for all their faults, like their love affair with guns and not spelling properly, Americans love the Brits. Stephen Fry was correct when he said that a cut glass English accent can fool an American into seeing an intelligence that isn’t there. I have been asked about the Queen, Princess Dianna, Elton John and a man called John who worked with their mother. I answer depending on how I feel that day. They go away quite happy with my answers, after all I am from London so I must be right.
Yes, Brits have passports (Americans don’t like it when we bring that up) to enable us to travel, where we hear different languages and spend different currencies. Alas, the Yanks just drive to California or Florida for the sunshine or Mickey Mouse. They continue to drive to Colorado or Maine for snow skiing (you must say snow skiing other wise it gets mistaken for water skiing) and yes they may speak in a different drawl but its still American and there’s still a Dennys close by. Americans simply don’t travel abroad because its too expensive, that’s the reason.
But the fact is, America is the third largest county in the world. You can experience everything from the arctic to the tropic, multiple cultures, hundreds of languages and a melting pot of cultures. Who needs to fly?
Americans see us as sophisticated beings, exotic even and of course we are related. 
I think that regardless of their own parents ancestry, many Americans still sense the historical roots of the Thirteen colonies and their old connection to “Britannia”. Perhaps, when they first meet a British person, some still make that historic connection.
Not to forget that as soon as America goes to war, we therefore, here in Britain stand shoulder to shoulder with our American friends! Thanks Mr. Blair. If they have never visited across the pond (of course they haven’t) they believe we walk around in the fog stopping for tea at three of course. We obviously know everyone as the County is so small. We speak properly and its been said that a Brit accent is a ticket to lots of sex.

So do the Brits reciprocate with the love? Yes, somewhat. If Brits love the States, they really love it. They enjoy the low petrol prices along with cheaper cost of living and that friendly American welcome it makes for a great place to visit or settle. We enjoy their carefree way of life
Americans are much more outgoing than us, they love everyone after half an hour and will invite everyone to tea if you should happen to be in the neighborhood. Even the politicians carry themselves in a far more approachable way. When Obama was on TV with McCain, the former looked like he had just had a massage and was sipping on his martini, so much more relaxed!
Some Brits seek Americans as lovers because they like to share so much more than their homegrown counterparts. They don’t hide their feelings, its OK to talk about “stuff”. They like the take -charge way they act and that goes for some American women too. We love American movies, their actors and their way of life. Its said that American females are less uptight than their UK sisters, so maybe it works well with the stiff upper lip Brit in an opposites attract relationship.

In closing, I have to say that the most overused word in America is ‘AWESOME’ they use it for everything. When offering someone a drink they will say “ A coke would be awesome”, when of course, it would be refreshing. A spaceship landing on the lawn? Now that would be awesome!

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5 Responses

July 18, 2010

What a great resource!

July 22, 2010

Speak for youself. We do not ALL love that ridiculous and gun-happy country. I spent 2 years there and could not leave quick enough. Give me honest British grumpiness to false American “have a nice day” crap any day.
I agree about their reaction to our accents but I got sick of being treated as some sort of exotic toy because of it.
Americans “talk about stuff”? Well maybe in some parts but in Brooklyn where i was, they do not seem to want to talk about anything. Everything seems off limits: politics, religion, sex etc.
I hate American worshipping and suggest if you hate it here then bugger off there. America has had its day and to “worship” it because of silly films and Tv like “Sex and the city” is very immature. ! million of them leave the country every year due to crime, government and crumbling society. Nearly every one I met either wanted out or knew someone who had already left. It may be ok to visit but having lived there, I see it for what it really is.
Your opinions seem based on cliches and I do not know whether I believe you have even been.
And please stop generalising about Brits as I am nothing like you described.

July 25, 2010

Nice dispatch and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you on your information.

July 29, 2010

I am speaking for myself Darren. Opinions are like belly buttons, we all have one.

July 29, 2010

Ever been there? I live here and have for many years. If you knew anything about marketing or the purpose of blogs such as these, it’s to attract attention and draw traffic to a web site. You see, it worked, i got you and many others. My job is to create a reaction just like yours. I’m not looking to have people agree with me or fit in with your views, this is my blog. You are welcome to have your own. I welcome your feedback and input. Thank you.