Archive for December, 2012

December 8th, 2012
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I joined on a whim. I live just outside of Houston Texas and saw the site mentioned in a magazine article. This was in March 2011. I created a profile and began my search through British men residing in London. I had visited London twice before and loved it but my ultimate goal was to get married and live somewhere warm and sunny!
I am a 36 year old female photographer, not shy but I do not possess that super confidence so many of my girlfriends seem to have.
The very first man I interacted with definitely caught my eye in more than just a “he’s ok” way. We chatted online about everything and he mentioned he would be flying to Houston in two weeks time, would I like to meet?
Sure I would and life carried on. Paul was going to be in my neck of the woods for 5 days but as I fast forward this, he stayed for 2 weeks and we fell in love.
Now I live in Parsons Green (how quaint) in London with my husband Paul.
No it’s not the sunny and warm place I envisaged , its actually freezing today, but without joining I would never have found him and for that I am ever grateful.
I know online dating is not for everyone but for me it was the best $20 I have ever spent.

Christine Dent

Don’t just say I Love Your Accent, be a part of it.

December 8th, 2012
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Try ILOVEYOURACCENT.COM and make next year special

Try ILOVEYOURACCENT.COM and make next year special

There is so much relationship advice either on the Internet or from well meaning friends, but who knows what’s best for you better than YOU?
For many of us meeting someone in the same town and doing what is expected of you is fine but when others seek a new direction and wish to pursue dreams or a relationship outside of their normal environment we need to start thinking differently.
Think outside the box and make it happen. can help you make friends across the pond or find the love you desire. Maybe your charming Brit is living in the USA already but you would not have found them without On the other hand, that lovely American could be living and working in the same City as you but without the website you would not know that.
On the other hand can absolutely help you find your soul mate across the pond. Bit you have to be proactive. It’s not enough to write a profile and sit back. Treat it as a fun task, flirt, send messages to everyone who catches your eye and do not discount someone who does not immediately set your heat a flutter. Read below and if you don’t want to be single this time next year join us at and change your life today.

Get to know yourself. How can you expect someone else to know you when you don’t know who you are and what you’re looking for?

Think about what you really want. Are you looking for someone to date or to marry at this point in your life? These partners can have much different qualities. In particular, looks and adventure seem to go with dating, while maturity, stability, and honesty go with marriage.

Ask yourself, “Have I really ever tried to pursue happiness?” Instead of always picking on your partner’s faults and making life unhappy for both, have you tried looking at the other, beautiful side of them, their beautiful qualities? Appreciating what you have already got? Tried improving on yourself instead, to becoming a better lover; a more ideal lover? Willing to open up yourself, giving both yourself and others a chance? Remember, what you expect of yours or your future partner is equally what he or she expects of you.
Examine the people you love to hang out with and the relationships that give you the most enjoyment and satisfaction, is it time to think outside the box or are you content to settle?

Think of a relationship as a long-term investment rather than a game. It is something which both of you will have to genuinely think through and plan for.

Make sure you are settling down with someone who has the qualities you seek in a lifelong mate. Just because you enjoy dating someone does not mean you will be happy marrying them.